Singleton Birch and Health & Safety

At Singleton Birch, we believe that all injuries and occupational illnesses, as well as safety and environmental incidents, are preventable, and our goal for all of them is zero. We are committed to ensuring that health and safety will be the prime responsibility of everyone that comes onto our site. The company strives for continual improvement in all its activities and to show evidence of this company has successfully achieved and operates an Occupational Management System certified to ISO 45001:2018. We recognise the importance of employee learning and development and work towards achieving a fully competent workforce to meet the needs of any applicable legislation and industry best practice.
The management of contractors is an area on which we place high importance. The company operates a site specific SHE induction system which covers all personnel who are engaged in any work activity on site however small. This ensures that they fully understand their duties and responsibilities towards health and safety whilst working on our premises.
The company’s key message that “Nothing you do at work today is more important than going home safe and well to your family, at the end of each working day” is the cornerstone of our health and safety philosophy.
The company has made significant improvements in its safety culture, as members of the Mineral Products Association, we have not only won awards but also received recognition of our commitment to health and safety within the industry.
Health & Safety Awards

Over a number of years we have achieved success at the annual MPA Best Practice Awards; in 2009 we were awarded the Sir Frank Davies Trophy for overall excellence in the SME category, followed by success in 2010 and 2011 for new innovations in safety improvements, conforming isolators and kiln safety improvements.
Singleton Birch and the Environment
Singleton Birch operates in an environmentally sensitive manner in all operations. We are accredited to ISO 14001:2015, the environmental management standard (certificate number EMS 59687) and to ISO 50001:2018, the Energy standard (certificate number ENMS 776791). This, however, does not demonstrate the extent of the commitment to the environment made by Singleton Birch in terms of delivering best practice and activities over and above legislation or planning requirements.
Proud of Our Excellent Safety Record at Singleton Birch!
“Together, we ensure that everyone at Singleton Birch goes home safely every day.”
In one of the most dangerous industries, we make safety our top priority.
At Singleton Birch, our commitment to ensuring that everyone—whether employed, contracted, or visiting—goes home safely is unwavering.
In an industry with high potential for serious incidents, our collective dedication to safety is crucial.
That’s why we require ALL DRIVERS to complete our ONLINE SITE INDUCTION before collecting from or delivering to our site.
Appropriate PPE is also required as standard.
We urge all contractors and hauliers to ensure their staff have completed this induction before arriving at our weighbridges.
Complete your induction now to avoid delays later!
Drivers Induction – Singleton Birch Induction (singletonbirch-induction.co.uk)
Our team’s vigilance and dedication are the backbone of our safe work environment.
Thank you to all our employees and contractors for your continued commitment to safety and excellence!