Partnering with Werba to make sure you have fast access to quality chemicals and additives to get the most from your plant
Werba manufactures a range of sustainable chemicals for the anaerobic digestion industry. Their high quality chemicals are designed to maximise the efficiency of your plant as well as improve the quality of the gas produced. We have a strategic partnership with Werba to make sure UK customers can source the chemicals they need from our stores.
Quality Chemicals
Werba's provide a range of chemicals that help to improve the health and productivity of the digester or remove harmful compounds from the gas produced, enhancing its quality and driving up the efficiency of your plant.
Our partnership with Werba ensures we keep a stock of their chemicals in our UK stores and you can access what you need quickly and cost-effectively.
- Improve the health of the digester and increase methanogen activity
- Remove hydrogen sulphide in a safe and environmentally friendly way