Birch Solutions expands team in successful first year
May 24, 2019Singleton Birch – 25 Year Long Service Award
July 15, 2019
Well done to everyone who took part in The John Muir Way coast to coast cycle ride this week. The course stretches 134 miles across Scotland’s heartland, running between Helensburgh in the west through to Dunbar on the east coast and Muir’s birthplace.
This will be the 5th time a multiday coast to coast has been completed by staff and associates of SBL and over the last few years has raised over £7000 for Lindsey Lodge Hospice.
Along with the usual sponsor forms around site, we now have below a live link direct to the Lindsey Lodge Hospice fund raising page this will ensure that the full 100% of the donation and the 25% tax relief goes to this deserving cause, we are all trying very hard and hopefully we can get the total over the £10000 barrier this year which would be a fantastic achievement for the team and great help to this very deserving charity.